Test No Featured Image

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork belly kielbasa jowl drumstick, short ribs beef pork chop venison meatball sirloin hamburger porchetta prosciutto. Leberkas strip steak pork belly, shoulder pancetta short ribs landjaeger beef brisket doner turkey sirloin andouille cow. Alcatra meatloaf kevin leberkas shankle t-bone. Filet mignon beef pork chop, burgdoggen venison porchetta boudin biltong pork. Bacon sirloin beef ribs, pork belly brisket corned beef pork andouille boudin doner. Jowl swine landjaeger, tongue meatloaf beef flank.

Spare ribs cow boudin shank chuck. Corned beef jerky chicken jowl, sirloin ball tip kevin. Shankle short loin leberkas, bacon jowl tail pork belly turducken tri-tip sausage. Ham hamburger pancetta spare ribs pastrami turkey pig ham hock jowl bacon tri-tip. Turducken landjaeger cow sirloin beef jerky, ground round kevin. Tongue tail tenderloin, biltong kielbasa bacon beef tri-tip. Tongue andouille biltong, burgdoggen pig filet mignon frankfurter t-bone pork cow shoulder rump ham hock short loin turducken.

Test Featured Image Tall (Resized in Options)

Wing Rib 1000 1300

If you change the image dimensions to something that gives you the desired ratio (16:9 in this case), the image is sized properly, but it is compressed, not cropped.

Spare ribs cow boudin shank chuck. Corned beef jerky chicken jowl, sirloin ball tip kevin. Shankle short loin leberkas, bacon jowl tail pork belly turducken tri-tip sausage. Ham hamburger pancetta spare ribs pastrami turkey pig ham hock jowl bacon tri-tip. Turducken landjaeger cow sirloin beef jerky, ground round kevin. Tongue tail tenderloin, biltong kielbasa bacon beef tri-tip. Tongue andouille biltong, burgdoggen pig filet mignon frankfurter t-bone pork cow shoulder rump ham hock short loin turducken.

Test Featured Image Cropped

Wing Rib 1000 1300 Crop16x9

The above featured image was cropped outside of wordpress using photoshop. While doable, it adds extra setps and requires the user to have and know how to use 3rd party software.

I am trying to achieve the effect shown below. It is the similar concept of showing “fixed” images on the portfolio view. https://theme-fusion.com/avada-doc/portfolio/featured-image-size/

I’ve created a custom image size which is cropped by the following code in functions.php

add_action(‘init’, ‘remove_theme_image_sizes’);
function remove_theme_image_sizes() {

I need to know how to use this Custom Featured Image as the featured thumbnail instead of the default one.


Spare ribs cow boudin shank chuck. Corned beef jerky chicken jowl, sirloin ball tip kevin. Shankle short loin leberkas, bacon jowl tail pork belly turducken tri-tip sausage. Ham hamburger pancetta spare ribs pastrami turkey pig ham hock jowl bacon tri-tip. Turducken landjaeger cow sirloin beef jerky, ground round kevin. Tongue tail tenderloin, biltong kielbasa bacon beef tri-tip. Tongue andouille biltong, burgdoggen pig filet mignon frankfurter t-bone pork cow shoulder rump ham hock short loin turducken.

Test Featured Image Tall

Wing Rib 1000 1300

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork belly kielbasa jowl drumstick, short ribs beef pork chop venison meatball sirloin hamburger porchetta prosciutto. Leberkas strip steak pork belly, shoulder pancetta short ribs landjaeger beef brisket doner turkey sirloin andouille cow. Alcatra meatloaf kevin leberkas shankle t-bone. Filet mignon beef pork chop, burgdoggen venison porchetta boudin biltong pork. Bacon sirloin beef ribs, pork belly brisket corned beef pork andouille boudin doner. Jowl swine landjaeger, tongue meatloaf beef flank.

Spare ribs cow boudin shank chuck. Corned beef jerky chicken jowl, sirloin ball tip kevin. Shankle short loin leberkas, bacon jowl tail pork belly turducken tri-tip sausage. Ham hamburger pancetta spare ribs pastrami turkey pig ham hock jowl bacon tri-tip. Turducken landjaeger cow sirloin beef jerky, ground round kevin. Tongue tail tenderloin, biltong kielbasa bacon beef tri-tip. Tongue andouille biltong, burgdoggen pig filet mignon frankfurter t-bone pork cow shoulder rump ham hock short loin turducken.

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